Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Me and my big mouth :D

**DISCLAIMER** I am going to get on a soapbox. Before I proceed to possible offend some just know that I'm not criticizing anyone's parenting. I'm merely feeling like I need to defend my own. I'm tired of people thinking that because I do something I feel I'm superior. Yes, I believe what I'm doing as a parent is best but that in no way means I think you aren't. It's every parents right to do what they feel is best for their child so please don't judge me because I have a very firm and unmoving opinion on what I think is best for Conner.

I never in my life thought I'd be so outspoken on so many parenting issues. Like breastfeeding. Until I got pregnant I don't really remember contemplating the issue. I just always assumed I would bottle feed. I don't even remember what made me want to consider breastfeeding. I'm thinking though it was formula costs. And then when I did my research I knew I wanted to at least try to do what was best for my baby. And here we are, six months and still going strong. I am really amazed we've been able to make it work this far and I have high hopes we'll make it to a year. I never thought it would irk me when people said anything even remotely derogatory about breastfeeding either. I hate it when people act like I think I'm better because I do it, or think it's disgusting because people nurse kids past a certain age (don't get me wrong, even I'm weirded out by 5 years olds that are totally comfortable lifting up mom's shirt for a boob). But someone in a forum online I frequent said it was weird her friend nursed her 13 month old and that she personally wouldn't have breastfed past 6 months. I just think that's weird. I mean, to each their own I don't want anyone to be offended. But why quit just because? Conner and I have a great thing going. I know my breast milk is best for him (and you can't argue that because even formula companies will tell you breast milk CAN NOT be duplicated). If I can breastfeed, Conner wants to breastfeed, he's gaining weight just fine and I have no reason to stop, why would I? Even if it were equal with formula, have you seen the costs? For real people, why would I pay that much for an inferior product to what my body produces? lol. Call me cheap, because I am. My baby will have the best of everything that Casey and I can afford, but I'm not paying for something he doesn't need. Don't get me totally wrong. Casey and I have given Conner formula. He gets it when I go to work. Sometimes he gets it at night if Casey is off and around to help me out and I can try and get some sleep since I stay up until into the wee hours of the morning five days a week or more. But he gets formula less than he gets solid food.

There is another thing that irks me too. And before anyone gets their panties in a twist just understand this is totally my opinion and I'm not going to come up to you and say you're a horrible parent so don't try and take what I'm saying as such.

People look at me crazy because I say Conner will stay in a rear-facing car seat until he reaches the weight or height limitations on his convertible car seat. If you want to know my reasoning google rear-facing and front-facing car seat tests. Or if you've been in a car accident think about how sore YOU were after rear-ending someone. Or someone rear-ending you. Or hitting something. Think about a small child without a fully developed body. On some car seat forum or something I found a link to once a grandfather told the story of his front-facing 13 month old grandson who's skull came unattached from his spine in a fender bender. Not even some jaws of life needed crash. Seriously, google this. See how the dummy baby's head and body get thrown forward in the crash test. THAT is why Conner will stay rear facing.

Some will say "what about their legs?"

Don't you ever sit Indian style?

That's too uncomfortable! I'd prefer my child to be uncomfortable for the relatively short car ride I'm sure we'll be on (since no one I know takes their child for daily hours long car rides) over having a paralyzed child for life.

My aunt once criticized me for being less than pleased at a carseat the limo service provided when we went to visit my uncle. There was a loaner carseat from a relative at his house but from the airport to their we had a car pick us up that provided one. I am being 100% honest when I say I haven't see a carseat like that in YEARS. Like since my cousins (who are 11) were in carseats. It had a lap bar that went in front of the baby. When we got to the car it was already installed and was forward facing. SO I had to fix it. THe guy driving had no clue how to work this outdated hunk of plastic and it took forever to figure it out. The whole ride to my uncle's I prayed we wouldn't crash because I honestly didn't believe Conner was that safe in it. So because of that I do my homework. I will buy a carseat that I think is the safest for my baby. So what if it means Casey and I have to not go out for a month or so and cut a few corners? Conner's safety is that important. Some parents really can't afford some of the really expensive ones and that's cool. There are some less expensive seats that are still really safe. The one I want clicks to let me know it's tight enough and has some pretty awesome side impact protection as extras. I want that. It's important to me. I've been in a car accident before and I want Conner to be as safe as possible.

I think I'm done on my soap box here. I truly hope I've not offended anyone. I just needed to get all this off my chest and well, it is my blog. You really could have hit the nice "X" in the corner at any given moment. So hopefully we're all still friends. If not then know I still care about you and wish you the best :D