I took a test tonight and it was positive. I'm just under four weeks. I'm so excited. Casey and I were only trying one month so I feel so blessed that we were able to have this little miracle. He's leaving shortly for a deployment and I wanted to get pregnant before he left just so I knew that he'd be home for the birth.
Part of me is so ridiculously paranoid that this isn't real, or that something awful will happen, but I'm trying very hard to keep positive thoughts. I'm crossing my fingers for a girl. I want so much to have a reason to buy pink things. But ultimately I will be happy with whatever God decides to bless me with. Plus I've kept all of Conner's clothes so it wouldn't be awful to have another boy.
Now that I've updated for the first time in months I must go. Casey comes home tomorrow night and I MUST MUST MUST clean the house. It's what I get for procrastinating. :)
Part of me is so ridiculously paranoid that this isn't real, or that something awful will happen, but I'm trying very hard to keep positive thoughts. I'm crossing my fingers for a girl. I want so much to have a reason to buy pink things. But ultimately I will be happy with whatever God decides to bless me with. Plus I've kept all of Conner's clothes so it wouldn't be awful to have another boy.
Now that I've updated for the first time in months I must go. Casey comes home tomorrow night and I MUST MUST MUST clean the house. It's what I get for procrastinating. :)