So I didn't get a chance to update about how incredibly smart my now 18 month old little monster is :D lol. There are TONS of ASL signs that he knows. He can do...
Mama *
Dada *
Nonna (what he calls my mom)/grandma *
papaw *
dog (modified for him since he can't snap yet. We just have him pat his leg) *
bath *
That's all I can think of off the top of my head. The asterisks indicate things that he can also say. A lot of times when he can't say a word he signs he just uses "me". But "Me" is also how he says Liam, who is his good buddy he enjoys looking at pictures of on the computer :)
Conner has also now learned to show us where his ears, eyes, nose, mouth and belly button are. I tried to teach him feet but when I ask him he always signs and says "eat". We're working on that still. Speaking of his feet he loves the "this little piggy" game and after you're done enjoys saying "wee wee wee" himself. Actually you don't even have to play with him. He randomly just enjoys grabbing his toes and says "wee wee wee"
He can also show you where mommy's babies are. And when he wants to see the babies he has no problem pulling up my shirt and poking at my belly button. Even if we are in the middle of Kroger trying to buy groceries.
Cute story I have to share. Tonight he was signing and saying "cookie" while wanting the cupcakes off of the stove. Then out of nowhere starts signing and saying "milk". My mom asked him "Why do we need milk right now?" (He only gets it before bed and naps and water the rest of the time mostly) and in response he signed and said "cookie". Now I really don't think he really meant and understood that he wanted cookies (or cupcakes rather) and milk. But mom and I got a good laugh at it.
During the afternoons that we're here when I go to turn the television on he automatically starts signing and saying "dada" because he knows that we have a DVD of Daddy reading a book him. He doesn't really have the attention span to sit and watch the whole thing (he read "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" which is kind of long) but he will sit and watch a minute here and there and just enjoys having Daddy on the television to listen to.
I am pretty tired...being inhabited by two small parasites will do that to a person ;) So I think that's all I have to brag on for Conner for now. He has a well-baby appt on Thursday. We missed his 15 month one with me being sick and then we were moving so I continued to put it off. I did take him in Friday because he'd been favoring his foot and leg on Thursday and my family got all paranoid that there was something seriously wrong. Normally I'd have waited a few days (not that I would have had a choice seeing as how with military treatment facilities it usually takes 3 days to be seen) but figured I might as well just ease their minds. He was fine the next morning when I got him in to be seen and the doctor said he probably just sprained or strained something since kids tend to take a tumble pretty often. While we were there though they did weigh him and he's a whopping 28lbs. Part of me is in denial that he's so big and the part that lifts and carries him think that the scale has to be kidding because he feels so much heavier. haha.
Any how I'm off here. I need to do something besides ramble. :D
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
Well I didn't wait four months to update this time :)
So I'm back in Kentucky. Which has it's positives and negative. We'll start with all the positives I've had since my last update.
1. I've gained 8lbs this pregnancy. Yay! That was a 7lb jump in three weeks.
2. Conner is learning new things every day and just continues to amaze me. I'll have to make my own separate post about that soon.
3. I got to see my chiropractor today and she fixed my neck and my hips/lower back. Still a bit sore from being adjusted but it's a good kind of sore.
4. Everything in Virginia is taken care of and I don't have to pack or move any more stuff (except for unloading my car which I still haven't done since yesterday).
5. Casey was able to call me yesterday and we had a great conversation while I drove. Conner was asleep so while he and Daddy didn't get to talk I had a nice quiet conversation with Casey without having to chase down a toddler, dog, or worry about something else going on.
1. Had to leave mine and Conner's best friends back in Virginia. :( Sad day. We miss them tons.
2. While driving in Nowheresville, Virginia at around 9pm Saturday a dog ran out like a suicide bomber and got hit by my car. I was sad at first. Then angry b/c it shook me up and made me too paranoid to keep driving like I wanted to. I guess on the plus side b/c we stopped I did get in a facebook chat with Casey before going to bed :)
3. My step-grandma (who is living with my parents also) is CRABBY. And it's making me grouchier. She complains about the stupidest things. She's 92 and in her right mind. She's not five and I wish she'd quit whining like she is. Grr. I don't know if I can do this all summer. Luckily I'm only obligated to be here Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays until my parents get home from work. The rest of the time I will be by my Mamaw's pool. 8-) Oh yeah. Conner's going to learn to swim this summer whether he likes it or not. :-P
SO pretty much I'm coming off of weeks of being stressed to the max, only for my grandma to continue to stress me out over stupid stuff she wants to complain about. I had a melt down this morning and called my mom crying. I dont' like being a nasty person but if she doesn't learn to quit being nasty to me, she's going to get some nasty back. I understand that she can't do everything herself and requires some assistance, but I'm not getting paid to be talked down to. I'm pregnant and I moved home so I would have help with me and Conner before she ever was offered to be able to move in with my parents and if she thinks I'm not doing a good enough job she can ask her other kids to come down on the days that my parents won't be home and take care of her. Gah.
1. I've gained 8lbs this pregnancy. Yay! That was a 7lb jump in three weeks.
2. Conner is learning new things every day and just continues to amaze me. I'll have to make my own separate post about that soon.
3. I got to see my chiropractor today and she fixed my neck and my hips/lower back. Still a bit sore from being adjusted but it's a good kind of sore.
4. Everything in Virginia is taken care of and I don't have to pack or move any more stuff (except for unloading my car which I still haven't done since yesterday).
5. Casey was able to call me yesterday and we had a great conversation while I drove. Conner was asleep so while he and Daddy didn't get to talk I had a nice quiet conversation with Casey without having to chase down a toddler, dog, or worry about something else going on.
1. Had to leave mine and Conner's best friends back in Virginia. :( Sad day. We miss them tons.
2. While driving in Nowheresville, Virginia at around 9pm Saturday a dog ran out like a suicide bomber and got hit by my car. I was sad at first. Then angry b/c it shook me up and made me too paranoid to keep driving like I wanted to. I guess on the plus side b/c we stopped I did get in a facebook chat with Casey before going to bed :)
3. My step-grandma (who is living with my parents also) is CRABBY. And it's making me grouchier. She complains about the stupidest things. She's 92 and in her right mind. She's not five and I wish she'd quit whining like she is. Grr. I don't know if I can do this all summer. Luckily I'm only obligated to be here Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays until my parents get home from work. The rest of the time I will be by my Mamaw's pool. 8-) Oh yeah. Conner's going to learn to swim this summer whether he likes it or not. :-P
SO pretty much I'm coming off of weeks of being stressed to the max, only for my grandma to continue to stress me out over stupid stuff she wants to complain about. I had a melt down this morning and called my mom crying. I dont' like being a nasty person but if she doesn't learn to quit being nasty to me, she's going to get some nasty back. I understand that she can't do everything herself and requires some assistance, but I'm not getting paid to be talked down to. I'm pregnant and I moved home so I would have help with me and Conner before she ever was offered to be able to move in with my parents and if she thinks I'm not doing a good enough job she can ask her other kids to come down on the days that my parents won't be home and take care of her. Gah.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Gosh, I'm a lazy blogger
Hopefully once I get settled back in Kentucky I'll feel more like blogging. Maybe start throwing my two cents out about everything baby and parenting related in the world. hahaha. I love having my own little soapbox. It really is amazing. :D
So since the last time I posted (four months ago) so much has happened. My husband left for a deployment and then literally 8 days later I found out that we were expecting not just one baby, but TWO.
Since then I've been trying to keep up with a toddler, deal with the stress of a deployment extension and last minute move back to Kentucky to be with family, and the "joys" of being pregnant. Unfortunately I can't say this has been a happy pregnancy. It hasn't. I'm miserable and with no appetite and sick as a dog until recently. I'm 21w3d and at my last appt (two weeks ago) I had only gained one pound this entire pregnancy. YIKES! No bueno. That got me prescriptions for calcium supplements, iron supplements, vitamin c to help with the iron absorption and a referral to a nutritionist. So in the next week and a half before I move back to Kentucky I have to see said nutritionist (Friday), have another (routine because I'm having multiples) ultrasound, and have one final check up with my OB and get all my medical records for my move home. I'll have to let you guys know how all that goes. This last week and a half is going to be crazy as I've barely even started packing at all!
I suppose that's a decent enough update for now. Poor Conner has no idea what's coming to him at the end of the summer when he gets his Daddy back AND two new little sisters all in such a short amount of time.
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